Ideally the title should be brief and specific, minimum 10 and maximum 80 characters spaces included. If possible it’s better to avoid abbreviations
Please use correct capital letters e.g. Smith J, exactly as you wish to appear in the Abstract Book
The portrait picture of the First Author will be placed on the Abstract book
The abstract should be written according to the following structure:
- Introduction and purpose (brief and concise intro to the topic and statement of the aim of the study)
- Methods (detailed description of the adopted methodology)
- Results (key results of the study)
- Conclusions (concise final interpretation of the results)
The abstract should be written according to the following structure:
- Introduction (brief and concise introduction to the topic of the case report)
- Case Report (report here the key aspects, including results, of your case report)
- Conclusions (concise and final take home message )
Please include maximum 2 self-explaining tables/figures in LANDSCAPE format
IMPORTANT: Portrait format tables/figures will be removed. All the tables / figures will be printed in black/white in the abstract book so be sure to not refer to any color in the text of the abstract.
- Maximum of 3 (three) references
- Reference number should be in brackets in the text [e.g. (2)]
- Reference format should follow this order: All author names, paper title, journal name, year, volume, issue number and pages
- E.g. Paper: Hägglund M, Waldén M, Bahr R, Ekstrand J. Methods for epidemiological study of injuries to professional football players: developing the UEFA model. Br J Sports Med 2005; 39 (6): 340-346.